FestiCiné blog


June 18, 2019

Video focus on FestiCiné's Films and Contents features

FestiCiné is a platform thought and designed by professionals who have been working as film festival managers for years. Our team is proud to share with you another overview of the « Film submissions », « Films & Contents » and « Programmation » features of FestiCiné. From online film submissions to your selection process, from the elaboration of your programming grids to the communication of your programme contents with your audience, FestiCiné assists your team at every stage of your festival’s contents’ life!


April 26, 2019

Let Us Meet on the Croisette

FestiCiné at the Marché du Film in Cannes from May 14th to 17th.


April 4, 2019

The best of Guest Management features by FestiCiné

Because FestiCiné was designed and developped by professionals from the film festival industry, the platform knows your job's stakes and regularly releases new features which keep enriching the range of services available to optimize your event’s management!
